Percy's Promise
Percy was a true miracle. He survived dog fighting, only to lose his battle to live from the long-term abuse inflicted on his body. Percy was horrifically exploited and mistreated by humans, only to meet the world with hope and love. The time that we were able to spend with Percy, loving and doting on him, we will treasure forever, but his life cannot be forgotten. While we know that we gave Percy every chance we could, we can’t help but wish for more for him. Percy is gone, but his memory can live on forever through Percy’s Promise, an advocacy project and fund to identify and prevent the abuse and neglect of pit bulls, particularly through dog fighting, one dog at a time and one person at a time. You are that person, and through your support and advocacy we will remember Percy with love in our hearts and a promise to combat animal cruelty together.

Goals of Percy’s Promise:
- To save more dogs, specifically pit bulls, from euthanasia and dog fighting.
- To break the cycle of abuse through sponsorships, spay / neuter, medical care and rescue relief.
- To create more community awareness around dog fighting and animal cruelty.
- To identify victims of dog fighting and provide guidance to assist in rescuing the dogs and prosecuting offenders.
- To advocate for the expansion and enforcement of current laws.
How will this fund help reach the above goals?
Spay / Neuter / Medical Support
Percy’s Promise will help sponsor the cost of medical care for like-minded rescue organizations to be able to rescue pit bulls and mixes. The fund will support the cost of spay/neuter, medical exam, vaccinations and additional medical needs on a case by case basis. To receive this sponsorship, an organization must be a reputable rescue able to provide safe and proper shelter/rescue for the dog, adequate medical care and responsible and appropriate placement into adoptive homes. The rescue must commit to taking their dogs back if the adoption is not successful. Each rescue will be considered on an individual basis to allow for the size, capacity, and resources of the rescue to be taken into account. Our goal is to remove financial and medical barriers as we create a network of like-minded organizations working together to save more lives, specifically pit bulls in desperate need in our community.
Breaking the cycle of abuse starts with the root of the problem – the need for greater access to spay/neuter services. Through this program we are committed to providing spay / neuter access to communities in need to reduce the overpopulation of dogs who cannot be cared for, who are in turn placed into dangerous conditions and enter the cycle of abuse, neglect and homelessness that is rampant among the pit bull breed.

Tip Line: If you see something, say something
Along with our partners at Jersey Pits Rescue, we are opening up a tip line for anyone to contact us with the goal being, “When you see something, say something.” If you hear of a dangerous animal welfare situation, receive concerning information, see something or believe that dog fighting is happening, please reach out to We will then work directly with the individual, authorities and necessary parties to report, follow up on and advocate for situations that come to our attention. We are also offering a $5,000 reward for anyone who brings forward information that leads to an arrest and prosecution of dog fighting. These dogs cannot tell their stories. They can’t tell us who abused them, and we owe it to the dogs to be their eyes, ears and voices.
*You can also call the Humane Society of the United States tip line at 1-877-TIP-HSUS. They also offer a $5,000 reward if your tip leads to the conviction of a person involved in dog fighting. For information on how to claim a reward, visit*
Familiarize yourself with the signs of Dog Fighting
Dog fighting doesn’t typically happen in broad daylight so we ask that you familiarize yourself with the possible signs. Click here for a link on how to identify signs of dog fighting including photos of equipment and conditions to look for.
Advocate for Change
Using the links below to your local representatives and senators, please consider advocating NOW using our easy to follow template. Write, call, email TODAY, and tell them that you want stronger animal welfare laws and specifically stronger enforcement of current laws. Tell them that you want committed enforcement, thorough investigation and prosecution of dog fighting. Dog fighting is happening in our state, in our backyards, right NOW, and it is on ALL OF US to reach out to these lawmakers and say we have had enough. Do it today for Percy, and do it today for dogs suffering as we speak. Do it today to help save helpless, abused animals, one life at a time, because they cannot speak for themselves.
NJ State Representatives:
*If you do not live in NJ, please find your local representatives below and reach out!*
State Senators:
State Representatives by State:
Dear XXXX,
I am reaching out today as a concerned voter who is demanding that more action be taken to strengthen our laws and put an end to dog fighting through the investigation, enforcement and prosecution of offenders. We need stronger penalties, stricter enforcement and more thorough follow through from authorities. We need an accessible hotline where dog fighting can be reported, as well as more action to prevent this horrific practice of animal cruelty and abuse. As a member of the animal welfare community, I see the effects of dog fighting in the work I support, and I sadly see very little enforcement of our animal cruelty laws in my state. We know that new bills have passed to strengthen penalties, but we need to provide resources for enforcement and accountability. These vital laws are only meaningful if there is a way to report the activity and authorities with the resources to investigate and enforce the laws. I hope you will make this issue a priority for you as it matters to your community and to your constituents.
Spread the Word
Please share with your friends, neighbors, acquaintances and ANYONE you know, and PLEASE ask them to do the same. We honor Percy by being his voice, and not being silent. Speak out and be heard and demand more from our representatives. The only way we will see change is if we demand it in numbers!