Interested in holding an event to benefit the cats and dogs at Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge? We have a new process that will ensure that your event and RBARI have the best experience and that it supports RBARI's policies and our mission.
Please fill out the application noted below. RBARI's Third-Party Event Policy can be found in the link below.
This application is due 90 days prior to the event.
Third-Party Event Policy
Ramapo Bergen Animal Refuge, Inc. Third-Party Event Policies
Ramapo Bergen Animal Refuge, Inc. (“RBARI”) encourages and permits individuals and organizations to organize and hold fundraising events and contribution drives to benefit our animals. However, RBARI must approve all events and campaigns in advance. This is essential for preserving the name and reputation of RBARI, as well as our commitment to our supporters and donors. For the purposes of this document and policy, an individual or organization who organizes and hosts an event, promotion, sale, or contribution drive on behalf of RBARI is defined as a “third-party fundraiser.” RBARI will review your application within one week of submission and respond accordingly to your request.
In order to provide oversight and to avoid conflicts with donors, sponsors, or other RBARI events already scheduled, the following policies must be adhered to:
1) Third-party fundraisers must submit a Fundraising Event Application to RBARI’s fundraising committee at least 90 days in advance of the proposed event date at A separate application must be submitted for each event. Events should complement the mission and image of RBARI and must not conflict with the health and well-being of the animals we care for.
2) If RBARI staff time and resources are requested, the third-party fundraiser must submit a proposed revenue and expense budget. RBARI staff’s primary responsibilities are to care for our animals and, as such, we are not typically able to provide staffing to attend or participate in all third-party fundraising requests and therefore must insist that the third-party fundraiser provide significant revenue to justify the use of our staff resources.
3) Third-party fundraising events must be financially self-sustaining without contribution from or financial risk to RBARI. All third party event expenses are the responsibility of the event organizer and must be paid before net proceeds are provided to RBARI. Refunds or reimbursements of third-party event expenses will not be available after the net proceeds are provided to RBARI. A third-party fundraiser may not set up a temporary bank account in RBARI’s name.
4) A third-party fundraiser may not keep any portion of the proceeds as profit or compensation for organizing the event. If the event expenses are greater than the money raised, the third-party fundraiser is responsible for paying those expenses. Donations made via check, must be payable to RBARI.
5) Third-party fundraisers are not authorized to provide tax advice to third party contributors. Contributors should be directed to their tax or legal counsel for information.
6) Third-party fundraisers are responsible for all vendor agreements, contracts, insurance and necessary permits for an event. This would include any raffles or games of chance permits. Because state and local governments control all charitable gaming activities, if the event includes a bingo, raffle, 50/50 draw, casino-type games, or other similar games, the third-party fundraiser must acquire the proper permit/license and abide by all rules and regulations pertaining to such gaming activity. RBARI is not permitted to share any of its licenses, permits, or tax exemption benefits with a third-party fundraiser. RBARI must not be listed as an event sponsor, or included in any other manner, on a permit/license application (or on an issued permit/license), sought in connection with a third-party event, except as the beneficiary of the event.
7) The third-party fundraiser is responsible for its own marketing, including press releases, PSA’s, Facebook postings, invitations, advertisements, banners or posters and clearing the venue’s permission to have animals on premises. The third-party fundraiser may not utilize the RBARI name or logo without the prior, express written consent of RBARI’s Fundraising Committee. In addition, the official logo of RBARI may not be altered in any way, and any use of the logo must adhere to the RBARI established graphic standards. The third-party fundraiser must submit all marketing and promotional material containing RBARI’s name and/or logo, or referring to RBARI in any way, to the Fundraising Committee for review and approval prior to the publication and use of such materials. Promotional materials that use RBARI’s name should incorporate the following statement, “Proceeds to benefit Ramapo Bergen Animal Refuge, Inc.” Please allow five (5) business days for the Fundraising Committee to review these materials. Third-party events that are approved by RBARI will be advertised on RBARI’s website. RBARI is happy to provide appropriate informational material (logo, brochures, etc.) for a third-party fundraiser’s use.
8) RBARI is the beneficiary – not a sponsor – of third-party fundraising events. For example you should not call an event the, “RBARI Walk-a-Thon” but may promote your event as the “Walk-a-Thon to benefit RBARI.” Promotional materials that use RBARI’s name should incorporate the following statement, “Proceeds to benefit Ramapo Bergen Animal Refuge, Inc.” .
9) In order to better coordinate fundraising activities, third-party fundraisers must provide RBARI with a list of targeted sponsor solicitations for the event before they are approached. The sponsor list must be approved by and coordinated with the Fundraising Committee prior to approaching any individual, corporation or foundation for this purpose. Please remember that many individuals and businesses already support RBARI and may not wish to make additional donations.
10) RBARI may not approve a third-party event if it requires the sale or endorsement of a product or service.
11) Requests for third-party events to take place on RBARI premises will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Fundraising Committee.
12) RBARI will not assume any liability for a third-party event including, but not limited to, liability for any injuries sustained by third-party event volunteers or event participants, irrespective of whether such event takes place on RBARI’s premises.
13) Requests for adoptable animals to appear at a third-party fundraising event will be reviewed by RBARI on a case-by-case basis and will be based on the availability of staff and transportation (see item 7)
14) Third party organizers of contribution drives are encouraged to contact RBARI’s Fundraising Committee prior to beginning the drive to determine the organization’s most critical needs. RBARI staff members will not be made available to organize or attend in-kind contribution drives.
15) RBARI retains the right to decline any event if it conflicts with its mission, fundraising efforts, or event calendar.
16) RBARI will not approve a third-party event request if it promotes a political party, candidate, or potential candidate.
17) RBARI must be notified if there are any significant changes to the event once it has been approved. Failure to advise RBARI of such changes in a timely manner, to be determined by RBARI, may result in cancellation of the event.
18) If circumstances warrant, RBARI may cancel a third-party event or disassociate with a third-party event at any time if these Third-Party Event Policies are not adhered to. If such circumstances arise, RBARI is held harmless from any additional costs.
19) RBARI reserves the right to run background checks on all 3rd party fundraising participants